Moroccan biodiversity

Laâyoune – Sakia El Hamra

The region of Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra covers an area of 140,018 Km², i.e. 19.7% of the national territory, and is composed of four provinces: Boujdour, Es-Smara, Laâyoune, and Tarfaya. The region of Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra is bordered to the north by the province of Tantan, to the south by the region of Oued Eddahab-Laguira, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the east by Mauritania.

  • Land resources: Water is the limiting factor in the development of agriculture in this region, undermining the possibility of population settlement. There are 4,892 farms in the region. In 1996, they covered a useful agricultural area of 17,500 hectares, i.e. an average area of 3.6 hectares per farm, which is lower than the national average (5.8 hectares). As the number of plots is lower than the number of farms, the average plot size is 3.9 hectares, which is larger than the average farm size. Despite its size, the region of Laâyoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra accounts for only 12.8% of the total UAA of the three southern regions, and the farms are smaller.
  • Maritime fishing (white fish, pelagic fish, shellfish, cephalopods): The region boasts a 585km-long coastline, yielding 217,441 tonnes in fishing activity valued at MAD2,125,330