
In Morocco, this species is called Lanchouba. it has an elongated and slender body. The sides and underbelly are silver-coloured, while the back is blue-green, with a blue-grey stripe sometimes extending between the back and the sides.
The anchovy is a real healthful food, as it contains a large amount of Omega 3. Morocco’s anchovies is also rich in vitamins and proteins of high biological value.
The Engraulis Encrasicolus anchovy is the most used in semi-preserved units in Morocco. It is mainly processed through salting, drying, and smoking.
The “anchoving” technique in Morocco has continued to develop over time according to culinary habits to reach its perfect state in Moroccan units.
Canned anchovies provide high biological value and can be stored for a very long time. These small fish contain fats that are beneficial to the heart and blood vessels. These pelagic fish are also rich in vitamin A, iron, and vitamin PP.